Art at Home: Interior Design by Jan Showers

Interior Design by Jan Showers. Painting by Jason Salavon.

Interior Design by Jan Showers. Painting by Jason Salavon.

How to display art at home?   While I love the serenity that the palette and symmetry bring to this room,  imagine it without that wonderful  painting selected by interior designer, Jan Showers?  The room still would be pretty but it would lack the wow factor conveyed by the art.

Jan has told me that the stunning painting is by American contemporary artist Jason Salavon.  I wonder if he was inspired by artists Frank Stella or Josef Albers?

Frank Stella Double Cocentric Squares c. 1973

Frank Stella Double Cocentric Squares c. 1973

Josef Albers "Homage to the Square" c.1967

Josef Albers "Homage to the Square" c.1967

I googled Salavon, and the only other works by him that resemble this painting are done as a bull's eye, rather than a square.

Jason Salavon Emblem (2001: A Space Odyssey) 2003

Jason Salavon Emblem (2001: A Space Odyssey) 2003

I don't think Jan could have chosen a more perfect piece of art.