On the Go to Morocco

Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech, Morocco

Just popping in to let you know that I am heading out today for another adventure.  I am participating in style maven, Annette Joseph's Photography and Styling Workshop in Marrakech, Morocco.    

Eek, I will be seeing sights like these images first hand.  I am pinching myself.

Marrakech, Morocco

Marrakech, Morocco

And there will be shopping!! Good thing I spent barely a dime in Frankfurt, because as you know, this girl loves to shop!:-)


I have a one day lay-over in London, where I hope to visit my happy place, the Victoria & Albert Museum.  A lovely dinner also is planned in London with blogger buddy, the fabulous Geraldine Tan.

I arrive in Marrakech on Monday!

Yes, I am feeling quite the jet setter, and I couldn't be more excited.  Follow my exploits on Instagram , where my photos will be tagged #designhounds. 

Now if I only thought to buy a set of these retro pink suitcases before I left....

pink suitcases

pink suitcases

Photos pinned simply everywhere on Pinterest.