Seduced by Pattern: the Artwork of Giuseppe Riviera

"Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

"Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Giuseppe Riviera

Giuseppe Riviera

Detail from "Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Detail from "Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Detail from "Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Detail from "Geisha Flight" mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Detail from mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Detail from mixed media collage Giuseppe (Joseph) Riviera

Guiseppe (or Joseph--depending on what mood he is in) Riviera is a creative scavenger.  He squirrels away old photos, stamps, Japanese papers, pages from old books,  packing slips, scraps of wallpaper--all sorts of ephemera.  Eventually they all find their way into his art, usually embellished with watercolor, gouche, acrylics, pen & ink and oils.

Calling himself  "a slave to pattern," Riviera's work has a strong Chinoiserie influence.  When I first saw it last fall, it reminded me of wallpaper in a fantasy state from one of the great producers such as Gracie, Fromental or Zuber.  Remember that post I did on the Chinese Fromental master where I photographed him creating wallpaper?  I imagine that this is what his dreams would look like.

Yes I wanted a piece.  I too am seduced by pattern, especially how it is enhanced by Giuseppe Riviera. What do you think about it?

Details from several mixed media works by Giuseppe Riviera

Details from several mixed media works by Giuseppe Riviera


ANNOUCEMENT: I just learned that I am one of 5 finalists for Best Writing on a Design Blog for the Design Bloggers Hall of Fame.  This is a very prestigious award and I am so honored.  Of course, I would be thrilled to win.  Half chosen by a jury and half by popular vote, I could really use your support.  The voting link has had some hiccups, but I hope it works now:

Many, many thanks. And please leave me a comment if the link doesn't work so I can seek a solution.  xxx, Lynn

All photographs by Lynn Byrne.   More information about Giuseppe Riviera.