Why Don't You?

Photograph by Alexia Silvagni. Produced by Konstantin Kakanias for the March 23, 2014 New York Times Style Magazine

Photograph by Alexia Silvagni. Produced by Konstantin Kakanias for the March 23, 2014 New York Times Style Magazine

It's a Why Don't You  double header today!

First, WDY simplify life with man's best friend--no feeding, no walking and no picking up unmentionables--with one of these lifelike dog sculptures!  Imagine, you get all the atmosphere  but none of the work.   No kidding.  That pup in front of the fireplace is not real. Rather it is a sculpture (!) by Cathie Pilkington.  Here is another of her life-like dogs.

Dog sculpture by Cathie Pilkington via Artnet

Dog sculpture by Cathie Pilkington via Artnet

If you prefer your pets to be a bit more warm and fuzzy, I can oblige.  A while back I wrote about the work of Domenica More Gordon. If you kept one of her puppies you wouldn't be giving up anything in the way of  personality. Heck you can even  play at being a Supreme Being and create one yourself, as Domenica offers doggie kits.

Felted dogs by Domenica More Gordon

Felted dogs by Domenica More Gordon

My 3 boys have always wanted a dog, and I denied them.  There were allergies to contend with, plus I knew the real score. I would be the one saddled with all the care.  As I always said, if it can't talk to me, I don't want to take care of  it.  But now there seems to be a solution. *Wink*

As for the second WDY, tomorrow I am heading down to High Point Market, camera and phone in hand.  It's the world's largest home furnishings market, and I can assure you there are treasures to be spotted.  So why don't you follow my adventures on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  :-)

I will be back soon.


This  column  appears periodically whenever I discover an especially innovative or charming design idea and is directly inspired by Diana Vreeland's famous "Why Don't You" column first published in Harper's Bazaar in 1936.  

